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Drumhillery Primary School
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P3-4 Update

11th May 2020

I hope you are all keeping well and continuing to stay safe! It has been lovely to receive updates from parents and to hear how hard the P3 & 4 boys have been working on their Home Learning Packs. I am making a list of boys and girls who have been working hard and hope to send some certificates out at the end of May. Well done and keep up the hard work! If you feel your child has been working hard at home and you haven't contacted me yet please feel free to send me an email so your child can be added to the list. 

I have added some useful website links to our class page to make them easier to find. See the information sheet on how these can be incorporated into home learning, if this is at all possible. Please see the Term 3 Newsletter for the phonics sounds to be learned each week, we are nearing the end of Linguistic Phonics program. 

Could I ask that a parent of Primary 3 & 4 pupils send me their email address as it will be useful in order to send out information when necessary. As mentioned previously, I plan to set up online learning activities for both P3 & 4 pupils on StudyLadder for pupils who are nearing completion of the paper work sent home. A number of parents have contacted me and are going to move to StudyLadder when the paper work is completed. This is absolutely fine! I will monitor the usage of activities and add more when I feel they are needed.  Please feel free to send any photos of your child so they can be added to our class page. If I can be of any assistance please contact me on


Mrs McMullan