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Drumhillery Primary School
Is your child starting P1 in September 2025? Why not book a 1:1 appointment at Drumhillery PS to meet the principal, staff and pupils and enjoy a tour of our school? We're taking bookings for week beginning 6 January 2025. Just email 
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New House Captains!

1st Oct 2016

We have recently selected our House Captains and Vice Captains for the 2016-17 year, as follows:


 House  Captain     Vice Captain
 Derryhennett  Alanna Ewart  Matthew Haffey
 Sheetrim  Bethany Anderson  James McCall
 Longnancys  James Reid  Leah Gibson
 Cavanagarvan  Emma Kinnear  Andrew Ewart

Congratulations to those listed above! You'll do a great job!

Lets really go for those points from now on!