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Rewards and Praise in Drumhillery
In Drumhillery PS we seek to reward the children's achievements where possible. Each month we award Pupil of the Month certificates and a range of others including Reader of the Month or perhaps Mathematician of the Month. We also have awards for ICT skills demonstrated and also recognise good manners, pleasing behaviour and care and thoughtfulness.
The awards are always given out at our monthly Achievement Assembly and indeed pupils are encouraged to bring in awards, trophies or certificates won outside of school and have them presented so they earn recognition for what has been achieved beyond the school environment as well.
Pastoral Assemblies
We also have a key pastoral focus each month as follows:
September Endeavour
October Handwriting
November Organisation
December Homework
January Endeavour
February Spelling
March Reading
April Numeracy
May Endeavour
June Mental Maths
Staff discuss and promote these concepts positively with the children in class and in assemblies.