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Drumhillery Primary School


Welcome to our Primary 5 Class Page! 😀😀😀


Lets have lots of fun, work hard and learn lots of new skills in our classroom this year👌🏻


Keep an eye on our page to check in on what we get up to!


NI Science Festival - Man U Foundation Live Lesson



On Monday 17th February, P5 took part in an exciting live lesson.  This was part of the Northern Ireland Science Festival, hosted by the Nerve Centre and taken by Amelia from the Manchester United Foundation.  


Amelia joined us live from the changing rooms in Old Trafford.  This was a fantastic opportunity and lesson even for those who aren't keen Man U supporters.


We covered skills like balancing, team building, agility & speed. Amelia taught us about the history of the Man United club and we even got to see old photos of the stadium, coat of arms and famous players down through the years.  She also showed us some key players shirts and boots and spoke about their talents for the game.  A highlight was seeing Garnacho's shirt and re-watching his famous bicycle kick.


Thank you Nerve Centre for allowing us to participate and to Amelia for taking us through the session.⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽


E-Safety Day


On Tuesday 4th February, Primary 5 celebrated E-Safety day.  This years theme was 'Protecting Yourself & others from scams online'.  We had great fun looking at different scenarios and trying to work out which were scams and which weren't.  We recognized the importance of always keeping our information private and not to trust everyone or everything we see online. 


We finished our day off with a special assembly and we each got certificates. 


Armagh Planetarium


As part of our Space topic, P5 went to Armagh Planetarium.  This fantastic trip, right on our door step, had so much to offer the boys and girls.  We started in the dome room and were blasted into space, we took a tour of the moon and then on to each planet.  The imagery was fascinating, the questions and facts explored were out of this world.  


Next we moved on to the engine room and created our very own rockets, after this we were free to explore the exhibitions.  The pupils had many highlights from the trip, from creating black holes in the interactive playground to watching their rockets fly into space.  


A fantastic trip had by all.


Check out our photos.


World Mental Health Day


Today - Thursday 10th October is World Mental Health Day.  With the help of Gary from Core NI, primary 5 took part in a live lesson all to do with keeping fit, staying active and looking after our Mental Health.  It was a fun filled 30minutes workout for all.  


Check out our photos.


Hiding in the Rainforest

Our World Around Us topic this half term is all about 'Rainforests'.  On Friday we used Just2easy, Jit5 to create a piece of art depicting the Rainforest.  We then took our own photograph and hid ourselves among the trees and animals.  

These beautiful creations are now on display in our classroom and we are having fun trying to find each other hiding in our rainforests.


Number Hunt


Today P5 took learning outdoors.  We used all our knowledge of numbers we have been learning over the past month and went out on this beautiful Autumn day to find some numbers.  Mrs Ewart hid them all over the playground, we had a challenging job finding them.  Once we found them, we had  to record them in the correct box on our clipboard sheet.  We had to sort them from largest to smallest, find the multiples of 10, sort them into odd and even and we even had to round them to the nearest 10.  It was lots of fun and we were so engaged in our activity.

Check us out as we searched all around.




It was great today to get out and have our PE lesson in the sun.  We have recently purchased a new PE Scheme, CORE NI.  Primary 5 loved the activities and had lots of fun.  



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16th Oct 2024
Thank you to all our parents who came along to our Harvest Service today. So encouraging...
30th Sep 2024
September's award was for those children who've already displayed good manners in...



Random Act of Kindness Day 2025


Monday 17th February was Random Act of Kindness Day 2025.  

As it was our first day back after half term and because we missed celebrating Valentines Day in school, we decided to create hearts.  

These hearts were given to each pupil with special words inside.  Each word inside was a kind word that everyone in the class used to describe the person who owned it.  This was a lovely activity.  We thought about all the kind words we could use to describe our friends and then when we received out own heart it was lovely to read all the kind words everyone had written about us.  We all smiled when we received them and enjoyed our random act of kindness.


We also talked about different kind things we could do for others and some of us were planning to try these out for our other friends and family members.  


Pizza Fractions


This week we have been exploring Fractions, what they are and how to find and record them.  Today we were treated to a cheese pizza which we cut into and explored our fractions.  The pizza was very tasty also.


Christmas Party


Anti Bullying Week 2024


This week we celebrated Anti Bullying Week 2024.  We took part in a live lesson with the BBC.  This years theme was 'We choose Respect'.  We had great fun  completing all the activities and creating fantastic Acrostic Poems with the word Respect. 


Check us out at work and our socks. 🧦🧦🧦🧦🧦


Hockey with Christine


Rainforest Art


As part of our World Around Us topic we have been creating Rainforest Art.  Last week we created these Rainforest scenes using oil pastels.  We enjoyed smudging, and adding texture with this medium.  We think we have created pretty class masterpieces.


Check us out.


Rainforest in a Jar


On Friday we decided to create a Rainforest in a jar.  We used old glass jars, soil, a few pebbles and stones and planted some seeds.  We are eagerly watching to see if anything will grow.  We also can't wait to see the water cycle in the jar, the water (liquid) changing to gas (water vapour) and how it never will disappear.  We are learning in action and having fun as we bring the Rainforest to life in the classroom.

Check out our photos of us at work and check back soon to see if they are growing.


Place Value


Over the past few days, P5 have been exploring numbers.  We have been working with thousands, hundreds, tens and units.  We have been able to create numbers using our Base 10 resources and also drawing these to represent our numbers.



Useful Web links for our class!

Libraries NI

Tips for
parents about

Latest Photographs


P5-7 AR Celebration-Table Top Games, hot chocolate & biscuits