Access Keys:

Drumhillery Primary School


January 2023 March 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Wed 1
NI Library Van visit (1:45pm)
PSNI visit (P1-7) (A range of topics will be covered such as What the police do, Police Car, Stranger Danger in the Digital Age )
Assembly - Rev Thompson (9:25am)
P3-4 Hockey (8 weeks), payment of £1.50 can be made weekly or one off payment of £12.00 (11:15-12:00)
Thu 2
P5-7 Swimming Lessons at Orchard Leisure Centre (10:00-10:30am)
Fri 3
Engage 3 Learning Support Program (coordinated by Mrs Boyd/Mrs Bruce)
Assembly - Rev. McMillan (9:25am)
EA Violin Tuition with Mrs Moore (1:45-2:25pm)
Sat 4

Sun 5

Mon 6
P6-7 Museum on the Move Livestream Workshop
Burns Bros Football (P1-3 2:25-3:15, P4-7 3:15-4:15)
Tue 7
P1-2 Shared Education visit by St Joseph's PS and St John's PS to Drumhillery PS (10:00am-12:00pm PE Day Uniform should be worn)
Wed 8
Assembly - Joyce Walsh (9:25am)
P3-4 Hockey (8 weeks), payment of £1.50 can be made weekly or one off payment of £12.00 (11:15-12:00)
P5 Museum on the Move Livestream Workshop (1:30-2:30pm)
Thu 9
P5-7 Swimming Lessons at Orchard Leisure Centre (10:00-10:30am)
Fri 10
Break The Rules Fundraising Day
Piano Lessons with Mrs Ramsay (P3-7)
Assembly - Rev Abraham (9:25am)
EA Violin Tuition with Mrs Moore (1:45-2:25pm)
Sat 11

Sun 12

Mon 13
P6-7 Museum on the Move Livestream Workshop
Tue 14
P5-7 Accelerated Reader Celebration Morning
Wed 15
Half Term Holidays
Thu 16
Half Term Holidays
Fri 17
Half Term Holidays
Sat 18

Sun 19

Mon 20
Burns Bros Football (P1-3 2:25-3:15, P4-7 3:15-4:15)
Tue 21
SCHOOL CLOSED UNTIL 12 NOON DUE TO STRIKE ACTION (All pupils should be in school by 12:15pm)
P6 Booster Class (For P6 pupils who will sit the new SEAG Tests in November)
Wed 22
Assembly - Rev Marsh (9:25am)
P3-4 Hockey (8 weeks), payment of £1.50 can be made weekly or one off payment of £12.00 (11:15-12:00)
KS 2 Drama Club with Miss Condy (3:25-4:15pm)
Thu 23
P5-7 Swimming Lessons at Orchard Leisure Centre (10:00-10:30am)
Fri 24
Piano Lessons with Mrs Ramsay (P3-7)
Joanne McFarlane (Kids4School) to take assembly (9:25am)
EA Violin Tuition with Mrs Moore (1:45-2:25pm)
Sat 25

Sun 26

Mon 27
Burns Bros Football (P1-3 2:25-3:15, P4-7 3:15-4:15)
Tue 28
P6 Booster Class (For P6 pupils who will sit the new SEAG Tests in November)