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December 2023 | February 2024 | |||||
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Thu 4 Term 2 commences |
Fri 5 Assembly - Rev McMillan Multi Sports Taster Session with CJ. All pupils should wear PE day uniform (10:00-11:00am) P5-7 PDMU Lessons with Jeanie Graham (1:45pm. ) EA Violin Lessons with Mrs. Moore (P3-7) (1:45-2:25pm) |
Sat 6 |
Sun 7 |
Mon 8 |
Tue 9 P1 Application Procedure commences at 12 noon Piano Lessons with Mrs Ramsay (p3-7) |
Wed 10 Assembly - Joyce Walsh |
Thu 11 Achievement Assembly (11:30-11:50am) P5-7 Swimming Lessons at Orchard Leisure Centre (Term 2) (Leaving 9:30am, returning 11:00am, £3.00 per week.) |
Fri 12 Assembly - Rev Abraham P5-7 PDMU Lessons with Jeanie Graham (1:45pm. ) EA Violin Lessons with Mrs. Moore (P3-7) (1:45-2:25pm) |
Sat 13 |
Sun 14 |
Mon 15 |
Tue 16 Piano Lessons with Mrs Ramsay (p3-7) |
Wed 17 Visit by Mr. McGaw, principal of Newtownhamilton HS at 10:00am to speak to P7 pupils Assembly - Pastor McAdam (Keady Baptist Church) P3-4 Hockey Sessions with Christine Russell. 8 weeks at £1.50 per week or one off payment of £12.00 (11:15am. Gum shields and shin pads required. School hockey sticks available if necessary) |
Thu 18 P5-7 Swimming Lessons at Orchard Leisure Centre (Term 2) (Leaving 9:30am, returning 11:00am, £3.00 per week.) |
Fri 19 Assemby - Rev Moses EA Violin Lessons with Mrs. Moore (P3-7) (1:45-2:25pm) |
Sat 20 |
Sun 21 |
Mon 22 |
Tue 23 Piano Lessons with Mrs Ramsay (p3-7) Football/Multi Sports with CJ (P1-4 from 2:25-3:15pm, P5-7 from 3:15-4:15pm) |
Wed 24 Visit to school assembly by Air Ambulance rep. for presentation of cheque (10:00am) Assembly - Rev Marsh P3-4 Hockey Sessions with Christine Russell. 8 weeks at £1.50 per week or one off payment of £12.00 (11:15am. Gum shields and shin pads required. School hockey sticks available if necessary) |
Thu 25 P5-7 Swimming Lessons at Orchard Leisure Centre (Term 2) (Leaving 9:30am, returning 11:00am, £3.00 per week.) |
Fri 26 Primary 1 Application Procedure Closes at 12 noon EA Violin Lessons with Mrs. Moore (P3-7) (1:45-2:25pm) |
Sat 27 |
Sun 28 |
Mon 29 P7 Victorian Trip to Palace Stables, leaving 9:30am and returning for lunch Tots 'n' Tea Parent & Toddler Group (9:30-11:00am - parents and grandparents, babies and toddlers all welcome) |
Tue 30 P5-6 Trip to Armagh County Museum as part of WW2 topic. (Leaving 9:30am, returning for lunch) Piano Lessons with Mrs Ramsay (p3-7) Football/Multi Sports with CJ (P1-4 from 2:25-3:15pm, P5-7 from 3:15-4:15pm) |
Wed 31 Mobile Library Van visit (Library cards and books to be returned should be brought into school) P3-4 Hockey Sessions with Christine Russell. 8 weeks at £1.50 per week or one off payment of £12.00 (11:15am. Gum shields and shin pads required. School hockey sticks available if necessary) |