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- Parents of Drumhillery (POD)
What is POD?
We have a very dedicated and committed group of parents in our ‘Parents of Drumhillery’ POD group.
The group was formed in September 2012 and has since gone from strength to strength. In these days of stringent educational cutbacks we are delighted to see the enthusiasm of parents in financially assisting our school.
However the group also strongly feels that fund raising is not the only reason for its existence. Generating a sense of community spirit and involvement is also key and we have been greatly encouraged by the attendance of local people at each event organised to date.
POD Committee Members
At our 2024-25 AGM Office bearers were elected as follows:
Chairperson Mr. Campbell
Vice Chairperson Sharon Leeman
Treasurer Jennifer Murphy
Secretary Helen Hawthorne
The remaining members form our POD Committee:
Jennifer Haffey
Allison Straghan
Leanne Keys
Naomi Hawthorne
Andrew Leonard
Esther Leonard
Judith Wilson
Joanne Reid
Jennifer Jenkins
Mark Lester
Andrew Tecey