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Drumhillery Primary School
Is your child starting P1 in September 2025? Why not book a 1:1 appointment at Drumhillery PS to meet the principal, staff and pupils and enjoy a tour of our school? We're taking bookings for week beginning 6 January 2025. Just email 
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Below you will find our BOG for the 2018-22 term. The BOG role is vital in the overall management of our school and we would like to thank all the governors who have agreed to serve for this term. Training is provided each year to assist the governors in their important role.

The Board of Governors

Mr. Campbell
Mr. Campbell

Principal/Secretary to BOG & Designated Teacher for Child Protection 

Mrs McMullan
Mrs McMullan

Teacher & Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection and Governor

Mr Bell
Mr Bell

Transferor Representative, Chairperson of BOG, Designated Governor for Health and Wellbeing and PRSD

Mrs Nesbitt
Mrs Nesbitt

EA Representative, Vice Chairperson & Designated Governor for Child Protection and PRSD


Mrs Gillian Zwecker
Mrs Gillian Zwecker

Parent Representative

Mrs Esther Robinson
Mrs Esther Robinson

Parent Representative

Mrs Irwin
Mrs Irwin

Transferor Representative

Mrs Straghan
Mrs Straghan

Transferor Representative


Mrs Bradshaw
Mrs Bradshaw

Transferor Representative

